Happy New Year, TPPers, and a hearty welcome to the first issue of 2025!
We hope you all had a fabulous Christmas with family and friends, and that Santa delivered in style.
Of course, between storms and frost, and wind and rain, we also hope you survived the varying weather conditions of December. It can be a tough time of the year for many, so here’s to a brighter, calmer and, dare we say, sunnier few months ahead.
As you will see, we have – a little like the squirrels in autumn – gathered as many nuts and nuggets of news as we can for you to read, enjoy and share as the new year begins. We’ve picked our top movies to keep an eye out for, collected a host of interesting anniversaries and birthdays for you to celebrate and drawn up a list of important dates you might want to mark down in the calendar. This, we hope, will help get you up to date and TPP-ready for the year ahead.
Be sure to check out the TPP Top School
Tours for 2025 Guide we compiled for you in this month's issue. Not only is it packed with cool tours, we have a jumbo school tours word search and audio quiz for you to enjoy!
If, for any reason,
you’d like to get in touch with us – whether that’s through email (schools@ theprimaryplanet.ie) or by leaving a comment online – please do. We love hearing from our TPPers, and welcome book reviews, news and creative writing!
Right! You go and enjoy your first TPP of 2025 and we’ll see you back here next month.